For your roof to qualify for a solar energy system, it must meet the criteria mentioned in the following article.
You may install a system in homes with proper electrical infrastructure and a permanent connection to the electricity grid. In the purchase model, you may install a solar system starting from 20 sqm, and in the leasing model, starting from 60 sqm.
The system’s output varies from house to house, depending on the type and size of the roof, the shading elements, and other present systems like air-conditioning and water heating. Preliminary action can be taken before installing the system, such as pruning trees or moving the air conditioner compressors, to increase the available roof surface and maximize the expected output and profits
We install systems in detached houses which are exposed to sunlight, on concrete or tiled roofs, by permission from the property owner only. To summarize, these are the conditions for installing the system on the roof of your house: the electrical infrastructure is intact, and the connection is permanent, minimal shading, sufficient free space despite the other systems on the roof, the landlord’s approval, tiled or concrete roofs only.
Are you still uncertain whether your roof is suitable for our systems?
Do not hesitate to contact us!
We are here at your disposal for any questions you might have.